One of my students brought in an article about Lay’s use of facebook for crowdsourcing to develop new flavours of potato chips.  The class found it very interesting and felt it represented an “evolution” in the use of facebook and a real effort on the part of Lay’s to engage customers in the marketing process – what do you think?

This article provides some interesting insight into the program that Lay’s has run successfully in other parts of the world.  Based on the success Lay’s has recently launched the program in the US.  It’s also interesting to see how Lay’s is supporting this effort with other IMC tools to get the message out.

The majority of students found the Lay’s facebook application exciting and indicated that they would participate in a process like this not just for the chance to win $1m but for the chance to provide their input and maybe have their flavour produced.

Interesting to see Lay’s join Nissan and Starbuck’s in crowdsourcing on facebook.

What’s next?

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