New Moodle for Summer

Moodle 2 will be launching at Kwantlen this summer.  I’ll admit that at first, I was less than enthusiastic.  After all, I was just starting to get my head around the current version and although I love to dig into new things, I like to be the one to choose when I jump in as opposed to being thrust into a change. (I think Bob and Paul had a similar outlook based upon this shot of them at the workshop!)

Bob and Paul at the March 2012 Moodle Workshop

In my classes I use Moodle a lot.  I’ve find it an easy way to create a virtual learning environment to supplement the activities of each of my classes.  I can easily link to or embed web content, but can also take advantage of secure features like assignment submission, grading & feedback.  At first I was afraid that this new version might over complicate my plans for summer courses.  However, after spending some time “mucking around” with the new Moodle (Newdle, Twodle, whatever we’ll call it) I’m getting rather excited about the new possibilities for next term.

I owe many thanks to Meg Goodine of Kwantlen’s Learning Technology department for my growing enthusiasm. Last week the marketing department met with her to learn about all of the new features and get ourselves winding our way through the learning curve.  It was great to have Meg all to ourselves for a couple of hours.  It’s even better to know that she’s there when we get stuck with our creations.

I can’t wait to hear what our students think of the updates. So far I’m most impressed with the improved navigation for both students and faculty with the “My Home” feature.  As an instructor I’m excited about the completion tracking and ability to easily duplicate items across classes.  I know others are working on this now too.  What have you found that you like?